Your (search) results may vary…

Jon GuerringueOptimizing your web presence

For a given search query, does everyone see the same results? For Google, at least, the answer is “no”. From a search engine optimization perspective, this is important to keep in mind. So, for example, when you say “my goal is to be listed on the first page”, my follow-up question would be “whose first page”. Personalized Search The fact …

Getting Social Media Results with your Web Site Results

Jon GuerringueOptimizing your web presence

Search engine optimization for social media is a new and evolving world, and figuring out how to bring it all together is still like finding your way in a forest (or New York City) without a compass. Today, following my guest lecture for an NYU graduate class on SEO and Social Media, one of the students presented a great question: …

New tools for SEO and social networking influence

Jon GuerringueOptimizing your web presence

I’m excited about the opportunity to speak tomorrow night to a group of students at NYU and share what I’ve learned about search engine optimization (SEO). My good friend and client at The New York Times invited me to join her for the class she is teaching this semester. In the process of putting together my presentation, I discovered some …